Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sassy, confident and sexy

 I found this turtleneck dress at Venus.com, an online store that I've been shopping at since I found my bikini this summer.  (Most of the things I buy are made in the USA!!!)  I fell in love with this outfit because I pretty much wanted to be this girl. Sassy, confident and sexy.

I bought the dress.  I rocked it out the other day at our Thanksgiving Work potluck.  Now... feel like I COULD have shown more attitude and sass... but I'm new to the office, and I didn't want to freak out the girl in my office that I asked to take this photo.  If I did, I would have not stood in front of that horrible yellow garish light. I would have put both arms on my hips to extenuate my curves... and I would have showed my full face if not for massive fly away hairs that the back lighting highlighted.


But... I love the dress. Nuff said.