Monday, January 31, 2011

Is that YOUR cat's puke?

I am not a cat lover. I always found them rather b*tchy. It doesn't help that I'm highly allergic to them. So whenever a friend announces the addition of a new little pussy around the apartment, I silently die a bit cause it means limited time at their house. The more additions to the household, the shorter my stays. But that's my problem.

I came home last night after a very long weekend... to find some cat puked on my doormat... I was not really happy about this. Especially since... the cat had to go out of its way to walk down to where I love, just to give me that little gift...

PLUS, there is no way that the owner will see the cat puke on my doormat, cause they certainly don't mosey to my 'hood' like its four-legged friend does...

And to make matters even worse, if its the cat that I'm THINKING it is... the last time that cat puked on its own mother's outdoor couch... it sat there for WEEKS. So no hope in her cleaning up my rug...

I did you all a favor by NOT taking/posting a photo of my poor doormat.

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