Monday, August 15, 2011

Our New Crock Pot

Our New Crock Pot by Petunia21
Our New Crock Pot, a photo by Petunia21 on Flickr.

So, is it terrible that I bought my husband a crock pot for his birthday? I had good reasons. He makes this Crock Pot chicken...

And with our hectic off kilter-ed work schedules, between the two of us, we are out of the house at the appropriate time to either start or STOP the cooking! We were using a 3rd party timer, which worked well enough, but when I was scouring the isles of Kohls looking for a gift, this magnificent Crock Pot stood out!

It has 3 cooking settings. 1) A manual setting. 2) a timer setting 3) a Probe setting!

It also has a lid rest and a spot to keep the spoon on top.

Today's chicken will be cooked with the probe. When it reaches the desired internal temperature, the cooking will stop and switch to WARM mode.

Wish us luck!

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