Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Candyman: The David Klein Story

I was flipping through the Roku last night trying to find some much needed distraction when I finally settled on  this:

Like Jelly Bellies themselves, I was drawn to this documentary by the cute little beans on the cover of the screen, which is what first drew me to the little delicious bellies themselves.

I never ever liked jelly beans.  Weird Al in this documentary describes regular jelly beans as "packing material that was used in Easter baskets" and I could not agree more with him.  Jelly Belly, is a candy all on its own (and vegetarian friendly as they do NOT contain gelatin!) I would not bother to put any other jelly bean in my mouth.

This is an interesting documentary about David Klein, the founder of Jelly Belly and the tumultuous history about how Jelly Belly was started, and where it is at today. 

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