My hostest with the mostest took me the MUST SEE on locations hot spots for the series.
The strip bar where Billy Riggins met his wife and personal exotic dancer, Mindy.
East Dillion High
"Seven" aka "Matt Saracen's home where he lived with his grandmother
Home of Tim and Billy Riggins. This got a bit of a face lift since the show used it.
The one and only, Coach and Tammy Taylor's house

EZ's where the Taylor family and the entire Dillian Panther football team enjoyed many a burger
I remember seeing this, but can't seem to put my finger on when and where it was featured.
If you're a fan, and you're in Austin, you don't need the hostest with the mostest to give you this tour. You can Google someone else' and just set your GPS and enjoy your ride down memory lane!
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