Monday, January 7, 2013


I've watched countless food documentaries about the health benefits of juicing. I am fascinated with it all and am at the point in my life, that if I HAD a juicer, I would probably try a cleanse!   Alas, I do not, and as much as I can understand the juicing programs out there, I have a hard time "Swallowing" the costs. Not that they are not justified, but Today, I simply can not.

But check out this amazing color display for juicing... its to promote of course, high quality juicers. We had a juicer once upon a time, when I was growing up.  It was not high quality ($300+), nor was it from WS.  I do wish I still had access to it today :)

If you go to  Juicing 101 from WS here, you can see the photos and if you hover your mouse over each glass, it will tell you what each glass is made up of :). They also have juicing tips, additional recipes, and a plan for a 30 day juice cleanse.

Drink up!

Just saying


  1. this is awesome. my mom and i are doing a juice cleanse right now. definitely going to book mark this.

    btw, our juicer was $150, and works great. it's easy to clean, and easy to use. we have a jack lalane one. not sure which tho...

  2. Awesome! I wish my mom was close to do stuff like that! Happy cleansing!
