I've been getting to know these little legume more and more as I try to steer away from a diet rich in animal protein. Not to mention, the dried beans look amazing in my glass mason jars.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Beans Beans Are Good for Your Heart...
I've been getting to know these little legume more and more as I try to steer away from a diet rich in animal protein. Not to mention, the dried beans look amazing in my glass mason jars.
My Wearable Pumpkin Spice Lattes
As I type this, I'm freezing my bum off at work, 77 degrees outside and about 31 degrees inside. I am literally wearing a long sleeve cardigan and sitting under my electric blanket, which is engaged.
Much to my own surprise, after see this Hooded Sweater Coat sold by Victoria Secret for only a few seconds, had found myself clicking "Click to confirm purchase" on their website. Normally, I would ponder and assess and debate my purchases. This one took 3 minutes.
I think it had me at "hood." It has arrived, and I love it.
This morning, while watching some TV and again, flipping through the latest catalog (VS catalogs seem to come 2 times a week) I found this and immediately thought "I WANT THAT TOOOOO!" Its called a Multi-way Tunic Sweater
Again, I think what first drew me to this was the hood. And then the color(s).
While this piece has not been added to any shopping cart (just yet),
- You can wear with this hood
- You can wear it with the cowl neck
***Have you checked out the POCKETS!***
- You can off just 1 shoulder
- You can wear it without the cowl neck
Monday, September 24, 2012
I decided I must bring this idea home since most of my beverage in my fridge consist of water, milk, coconut water and the occasional Kombucha.
I had my eye on these Weck Canning Jars (previously posted here in Kilner Vs. Weck )
I love these jars cause as you can see, you can CAN things in them, but use then for your OJ too!
I went to William Sonoma yesterday specifically for them because:
a) I had a $25 gift certificate
b) If you stay for their "Technique Class, you recieve 10% off your entire purchase that day.
3) The lesson was on braising, which I know not much about
Cucumber and Mint, Chocolate and Coconut Ice Tea, Mint |
My only regret when taking this photo this morning, was that I tuckered myself out yesterday and didn't apply the Chalk Board Labels. I also don't have chalk hehehe. So the next time I'm out, I'll have to pick some up. I can't wait to try out new flavor combinations. Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated!
Roku... where have you been my whole life?
We have 1 nice Big Screen TV in the living room. It is equipped with 2 Xboxes, a PlayStation and digital cable.
Then we have 1 smaller older TV in the bedroom with linear cable. It is void of any real programing since it seems daily, more stations are doing away with their linear channels. The DVD player broke a year ago. But it does have a Tivo filled with reruns of Food Network shows and Family Guy episodes.
Needless to say, my TV Natzi of a husband monopolizes the TV, watching everything from football and baseball, to MythBusters and Honey Boo Boo. The only time I ever get to watch the TV is either at 9 pm when he goes to bed, or if I get myself up at 5:30. I love streaming Netflix on the PlayStation, but resent having to only mornings to take advantage of the feature.
"Why not demand the usage!" you may exclaim. I have. But I have come to realize that I would rather watch Gray's Anatomy without the extra track of dialogue that comes streaming from the other side of the couch. "Oh, is this "Gay's Anatomy?" "Oh are you now watching Private Parts?" Not to mention watching him pass by throughout the living room to go smoke bringing with him the the clouds of stench reminiscent of Pig Pen. No Thank You!
So I asked him what was the cheapest solution to enabling me to watch my my Netflix streaming from the TV in the bedroom.
I found this to be the solution! Roku!
- You can stream Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Pandora and other channels.
- Mine is purple, cause I opted for the cheapest box since my old TV dictates a of lot what I can and can not do.
- It was 49.99 + free shipping.
- It delivered in like 2 days.
- It does the job VERY nicely.
So nicely, that I think Genghis Khanin the other room, got lonely cause he kept coming into the bedroom says "whatcha doing?"
Friday, September 21, 2012
Love... and Cutco
But then again, I haven't been in the stores for a while so it's possible that there are trees and decorations spewed about with all our best Jewish musicals singing our best Christmas songs!
Mom has made it a tradition that each year, she gives the gift that keeps on giving... knives. Cutco knives to be specific. I've almost got the whole set! And each new year, I tuck my knife set in little sleeping bags and ship them back to the company for a complimentary sharpening and replacing (if need be). That is the service you get with a knives that cost as much as a 20 piece set at Ikea.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Wi Special
Wi SPECIAL (Moisturize & Hydrate) 120min
This head to toe, exfoliating treatment that has been practiced in Korea for generations. Utilizing exfoliating pads and cloths, the body is polished with a Milk Body Scrub to gently remove dead skin cells leaving one's complexion looking refreshed and revitalized, while feeling soft and hydrated. Once the skin has been primed, a Swedish-inspired massage is performed with Aromatherapy Oils that promote unique healing properties as they soften and nourish. Next, a Pure Gold Powder and Serum Wrap is applied, leaving the skin's texture with a slim and well-hydrated appearance. A soothing Hydro Comfort Cream is put on, leaving the body with a supple appearance. Lastly, a firming Collagen and cooling Cucumber Facial Mask is applied and allowed to set, while one's hair is Shampooed and Conditioned to wash away any remaining tension.
And after such an amazing treatment, my spa buddies and I ate some amazing Korean food and curled up on a mat and... SLEPT OVER at the spa! In the morning, we had another quick dip in a hot tub and hit up the dry saunas. It was the most relaxing Saturday night I've had in a LONG time!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Chia Pops
These look so stinking refreshing! Now I'm gonna spend all afternoon drooling over these on the Zoku Pop Makers on the William Sonoma website.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
A True Fashonista
If this isn't a beacon of fashion... I don't know what is! I feel like I need to consult this Llama on all future purchases!
Oh Llama... what do you think of this Hooded Sweater Coat I got from Victoria Secret yesterday?
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
You Did What????
That's Right!
I went to the gym! Always an occasion to be marked on a calendar, discussed with girl friends on the phone, and blogged about.
There is a branch of my gym ACROSS the street from my job. So I don't even have to deal with moving my car or walking the street, or paying .50 cents with a validation for 2 hours in their lot.
This branch has a pool AAAAND a few racket ball courts! What was that? You didn't know that I played racket ball? Well, I don't. But I seems to the be "corporate sport" on all the TV shows. Who knows!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Jo Jo the Cat
I'm not a cat person. Mostly because a) I am very allergic to them, b) I like the rodents that they seem to think are play toys.
This is JoJo a stray cat that you can see, has adopted me... Why you ask...is he sitting on my rug in my doorway? Gosh, he's a really cute and sweet cat. He follows me. He sits outside the door and meows at me while hanging out on the welcome mat.
He needs a good home. He's being fed by our 93 year old neighbor, but she already has a cat, so she doesn't wanna take him in. She wants to just feed him. And not let anyone find him a home. Poor little kitty just wants a place to call home!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Another Piece of My Heart

Jane Green is probably the author responsible for my liking the girly category "Brit Chick Lit". The first book of hers I read was "Straight Talking" which is described as "sets the record straight regarding the real world of dating, and follows the adventures of Tash and her friends as they search for fulfillment and the right kind of love. Funny, flirty, and ultimately tender, Straight Talking gets at the heart of modern romance.".

As you can see, this is light-hearted, semi cringe and awkward worthy female coming of age literature.
But most recently, Jane Green has been writing on harder deeper topics. She wrote a book called Promises to Keep about a sister who is diagnosed with cancer... AGAIN. This is NOT the chick literature that I'm accustomed to reading and enjoying. But I love the author, and have either read or listened to each of her books on tape.

Yesterday, I finished up my last disk of her most recently released work "Another Piece of My Heart" which follows a "blended family". If you have ever spent much time on the couch of a therapist's couch, you can hear how well thought out this book is. It hits on lots of topics of Step-parents. Alcoholic parents, Al-Anonism, Detachment, Boundaries, and People Pleasing, Growing up... It was an awesome book. At times, when I would turn on my CD player, I would cringe going "oh god, what's gonna happen in THIS chapter?!"
But the book was full of solid life lessons. Basic concepts that I think most of us miss growing up.