Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yeah... Just saying

Hungry For Change

I happened on a new food documentary today called "Hungry For Change"... I was watching it while soaking in the tub... a new favorite pastime of mine.

I found it amazing. As I do with most of these food documentaries that I have watched.  I was so pumped up after watching it that a) I ran, (not walked) ... err, I actually drove) to my nearest Organic Food joint and got a superfood smoothie b) couldn't wait to tell you all 3 readers about it!

Before doing that though, I read the reviews from various Netflix subscribers and just had to shake my head.  So many non-believers that white sugar and processed foods are the devil... and that a upstanding company like Coca Cola and General Mills would never put anything in their products that are bad for us.

After 2 years not eating refined sugar and flours, barely being sick, not to mention losing a bunch of weight, I am a true believer in what these people are talking about.

I think what ultimately make my heart race while watching this documentary, is that its what I've been practicing for 2 years, the "diet" the visualizations and the self love.

Give it all a try!


You can also watch the whole film on youtube too!

Just saying...

me and george Clooney ... i mean my husband

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Morning 2012

As much as I long for Christmas mornings when I see the excitement in my children's eyes over the latest and greatest visits from Santa (I know, I know, 'when the time is right'), I really do enjoy the quite serenity of a grown up Christmas morning.

29 out of my 32 Christmas mornings have been filled with a mixture of a supercharged energy and well... chaos to get everything moving along to the next phase of the day. Either Church, or a 2 hour drive up to my extended family.

For the last few years, Christmas morning has been quite peaceful when I wake up to just my husband and the still blinking Christmas tree.

This Christmas morning, the husband got up and made some "weekend coffee" and got under his blanket, first grabbing his Yankees Christmas hat and I joined him on the couch snuggling until the coffee was ready.

He was the first one to say "Do you wanna see what Santa brought us?" and I jumped up with the anticipation of the 5 year old self.

I love to give first, so here is B.


DEWALT20-Volt Max (1.5Ah) Lithium-Ion Drill/Driver / Impact Driver 2-Tool Combo Kit

DSCN1345 DSCN1348

I'm telling you... 5 year old's excitement!


And after 8 years, I finally got a trunk cover for my CR-V!


Happy Christmas US!

Friday, December 28, 2012

My Pernil

Here is my "Roast Beast" after 2 days of marinating and 5 hours of cooking. This little piggy did NOT die in vain.


And if you listen closely... you can hear the crackling!

That's What Christmas is All About...

And all I really wanted for Christmas Eve, is to share a meal that I created with some loved ones!

I got my wish.  


From left to right... I made some brown rice and added some pimentos and diced green onions. The rice is in my Emile Henry Pasta Bowl that I got for my wedding.

Next was "Nuna's Beans".  It has been years and years since I've eaten Nuna's beans, ever since moving to California.  I was very excited to attempt them, and even more thrilled when they tasted just like I remember.  This will for sure be a new staple at Xmas Eve dinner! The beans were cooked in my Emile Henry Risotto Pot (which... I've never made risotto in, note to self) that my friend Shannon got me for my Bridal shower.

Next is a thrown together creamed spinach with some Panko bread crumbs and parm cheese served in a pyrex that I got for my shower as well. 

Back to the front... My pernil, roasted pork shoulder.  Marinated for 2 days with garlic, oregano and salt and pepper.  Slow roasted for 5 hours and fall off the bone tender! It is served in the newest addition to my kitchen collection, a Bennington Pottery Oval Baker.

My roasted cauliflower which too, was marinating for 2 days, was served in my Emile Henry Pie Dish (another gift for my wedding)

And the sour dough bread that the husband picked up at the market is laid out on my acacia serving plate from Crate and Barrel (YET ANOTHER WEDDING GIFT) along with the butter crock in the back from Le Crueset.

I love love love all of these pieces that I mentioned.  I get a very big thrill out of each piece in my kitchen and I love any opportunity to use them to entertain.

Candy Cane Kisses

Its been a while since I've posted!  God knows, I have a folder on my desktop with things that are "burning a hole on my laptop" to post... god help you all!

But this... just makes me happy.

Mom made me this planter probably 7 years ago.  I brought it indoors this year because we have what I like to call "gang squirrels" that terrorize the trees, the herbs and my patio.  Rather than risk them knocking my planter over, I brought it indoors.

Who knew that if you stuck a Christmas hat over his years and filled his little pot full of Candy Cane Hershey Kisses... it could bring me as much happiness as he did!!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Festive Library

Festive Library by Petunia21
Festive Library, a photo by Petunia21 on Flickr.

I snapped this cute display the other day before Christmas at a bunch of my library. I thought it was really cute. If you don't see that the books are wrapped with a string or two of Christmas lights... look harder!