I can't remember if I blogged about this necklace before. It is the 2nd piece of jewelry I made, and naturally have bought beads and such to make much more...
I'm an addict. I'm working on a knitting, crochet, jewelry making, ceramics and plastic canvas product(s).
I barely have to work... just kidding.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Necklace #2 again
Monday, August 29, 2011
I want to go here...
Sponsored by: Washington's Playground | |||||||||||||||||
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August 29, 2011 | |||||||||||||||||
Feel Like a Kid Again in Washington's Playground | |||||||||||||||||
Washington's Playground spans from Leavenworth to Lake Chelan with the Wenatchee Valley in between, featuring no shortage of heart-stopping experiences like hiking, biking, rock climbing, and horseback riding. While the trail to Colchuck rewards the experienced hiker, there are ample trails and challenges for the most committed adrenaline junkies to those feeling the trail underfoot for the first time. Colchuck Lake is a granite canvas filled with colors no artist could match—cobalt blue water ringed by icy fingers only recently removed from the glaciers that feed it, and nestled in an alpine wilderness 4,000 feet above and a world away from rush-hour traffic and last-minute deadlines. |
I went to my first Quincenera yesterday! It was nice. Especially to get away from the dreaded heat of the apartment! My favorite part was getting Brian on the dance floor to dance merengue with me. How I love my husband... and these awesome glow ears I got too!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Our New Crock Pot
So, is it terrible that I bought my husband a crock pot for his birthday? I had good reasons. He makes this Crock Pot chicken...
And with our hectic off kilter-ed work schedules, between the two of us, we are out of the house at the appropriate time to either start or STOP the cooking! We were using a 3rd party timer, which worked well enough, but when I was scouring the isles of Kohls looking for a gift, this magnificent Crock Pot stood out!
It has 3 cooking settings. 1) A manual setting. 2) a timer setting 3) a Probe setting!
It also has a lid rest and a spot to keep the spoon on top.
Today's chicken will be cooked with the probe. When it reaches the desired internal temperature, the cooking will stop and switch to WARM mode.
Wish us luck!
Homemade Strawberry Syrup and Greek Yogurt
I finally packed some for lunch the other day. And in a glorious halo moment, bit into it, and AHHHHHHH. It was sooooo un-sweet. But not bland. I am very familiar with un-sweet. It was BITTER?! SOUR?!
I spit it out... THAT bad!
I turned my bitter strawberries into lemonade... just kidding. Into a strawberry syrup yesterday morning. Using my stick blender, some cut up strawberries and date syrup, I pureed then into a nice topping for my pancakes.
Last night, I put a little on my pumpkin ice cream!
This morning, they served well over my yogurt! I put the puree in a cute little glass Kerr jar that I got from Smart & Final. I must say, it just looks PRETTY in my fridge. Oh so many uses! I bet it would taste nice over oatmeal!
Lost in traslation
I'm NOW, learning how to crochet. Michelle, as always helping me out, providing videos and photos to help me along the way...
I definitely did not get this one right... back to the drawing board!
Kale... again
This is the 3rd time I with excitement and anticipation, I have bought a bundle of kale to make baked or roasted kale... and 3 times now, I have found it wilted and rotten in the bottom of refrigerator. Each time I vow "This time, I will cook you!" and sadly, the sick pattern continues.... Next time, oh next time, I will cook you in time!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Today in yoga, I did my 2nd wall assisted headstand! YAY! Its amazing how once you get that feeling of kicking your body up over your head, how easy it is again and again.
This time, I did move my feet off the wall and was suspended by only my arms, head and stomach muscles for a few seconds at a time. Totally good times!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Necklace #2
I made this necklace too! Its more of a burgundy base with maroon and cream accents. The stones were like mauve and blueish.
This was more tedious because it was stringing little beads on this stuff called Tiger Tail, and making sure I didn't break the pattern (cause I want it to look perfect, naturally) but I got to use some lobster claps and hooks. Very fun Experience!
I see there is a bead show in Santa Monica in October that I might go to, just for some fun :)
Seaweed Chip
I went from eating one and going "well, I like California rolls, but this is too much!"...
... to "Hey, these aren't bad... can I take a few?" (in which I ate 1/3 of Sean's container"...
To buying Sean a replacement bag..... and eating my own... the entire thing in one sitting.
Of course I felt sick. It was too much... but that didn't stop me from doing it again the next day.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My New Necklace!
I went to visit my friend Jessi on Saturday and we hit her mom's old bead shop.
Her mom has all the tools for making jewerly and I made this necklace!
I honestly LOVE IT. I'm really proud of it! Plus, it goes with a LOT of my wardrobe. I also made a necklace along with some earring that I still need to make. We were having so much time gabbing, we ran out of time!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
Check Please
Seriously, this is the funniest check in a check holder I've ever seen. It makes me think of little humans in those HUGE chairs in DC.
I'm There, Dude.
No Shirt? No Problem. If loincloths aren't your look, don't worry, you don't have to sport one when visiting Île du Levant. Off the Southern coast of the French Riviera, this tiny island is but five miles wide and fiercely dedicated to "naturalism." Yep, that means nudity. Hillsides of sweeping meadow flowers and lush greenery make for quite the Adam and Eve moment. Every angle is framed with panoramic views of the Gulf of Lion. Beaches of exaggerated beauty are nestled into nooks among the forestry. Naturalism is freely observed, but not necessary—the locals ask for a mutual respect for all walks of life. But why not? At least your luggage will be light. |